Congruent Leadership Collective


Six people. Executive transformation. October 2024.

We grow stronger in community.

Connection with others breeds authenticity. Authenticity creates trust. Trust is what moves you into the places you’re afraid to go, even the places within yourself.

Leading a company is deeply human work, isn’t it? It confronts us with everything that makes us human, but with the volume turned all the way up.

It demands strength of mind, heart, body, and spirit. It’s profoundly challenging.

My friend, I wish you could read enough books or learn enough frameworks to insulate you from the hardest parts of this journey. I do.

But this part of it—this deeply human, joy-filled, gut-wrenching, exhilarating, scary, challenging part of it—is the most visceral of experiences. To truly succeed is to become more our ourselves AS we go. To become more aligned with ourselves. To create congruence with who we are, what we say, and what we do.

That’s why I created this group. For you to learn and practice bringing your whole self forward in your work. The light and the dark, the clean and the messy, and to have the support to show up for this journey well.

You are ready.

Next cohort starts October 2024

Apply before September 30th.

As an Executive Coach, I’ve partnered with powerful leaders—from CEOs to Platinum-awarded artists—to own more of who they are and bring the power of their whole selves into their work. To stop chasing relief or avoiding discomfort, to know themselves and assert themselves from a clear, confident place.

And it works. The resounding feedback I get from my clients is “I feel like I’m more ME than I’ve ever been”.

This is where powerful, congruent leadership comes from. And it’s what we practice in this group so we can not only succeed, but thrive.

My Clients Say…

H.A. — Partner


“I connected the deeper aspects of who I am as a person with who I am as a professional. Now I bring a more wholistic vision to the constant complexity of my work.”

F.A. — Founder


“I have the ability to shape my situation. To acknowledge what feelings or external things I'm chasing, and to course-correct.”

About This Group

So here’s the rundown.

It’s you, me, and five other leaders (founders or CEOs only).

We meet twice a month for 90 minutes to give and receive powerful support and feedback, honing our ability to uncover blind spots and truly see each other, in service of becoming more whole, human-centered leaders.

Most leadership development focuses on productivity and efficiency. Here, we spend more energy learning about ourselves.

Most leadership development focuses on knowledge, this is a space for practice.

Here, we deepen our connection to our own patterns, our blind-spots, our zone of genius, our inner voices, celebrating wins, confronting and processing discomfort.

Together, we openly face fears and challenges, building resilience and finding the support needed to thrive.

Here, we coach, and learn how to coach—how to skillfully move ourselves and other people through mindset shifts and transformative experiences.

We even use altered states to tap into your unconscious, accessing even deeper layers of yourself. You train your nervous system to regulate and adapt. And most importantly, you build a new, trusting relationship with yourself.

With a blend of group ontological coaching, peer feedback, powerful tools and frameworks, you’ll be able to navigate the complexities of leadership feeling empowered.

$5,500 CAD

A virtual, six-month group coaching experience with a trusted, small cohort of leaders. It’s designed for founders and executives of early- to mid-stage companies. In six months, we’ll shift your relationship to:

  • Decision making and self-trust

  • Regeneration and burnout

  • Risk and scarcity

  • Ownership and surrender

  • Leading from purpose

✅  Six months of coaching, support and masterminding in an intimate group designed for deep growth

✅  Biweekly 90-minute group facilitated sessions

✅  A group of trusted peers to connect with

✅  One monthly 90-minute group coaching call (optional)

✅  Two 60-minute 1:1 sessions with Colin

✅  Frameworks, exercises and experiments to integrate in your life

✅  No mandatory homework, just show up and be open

Next cohort starts October 2024

Apply before September 30th.

Who You’ll Become


Metabolize challenges into growth and strength. Like your body does with exercise, but for your spirit. (yes, I’m unironically saying that).


Release the drama by truly owning yourself and your choices.


Accept your inability to control outcomes, and let go of the past


Come home to who you are and why you’re doing this, so you can actually feel it in your body.


Deeply know yourself and values, trusting yourself, and acting in alignment with that.


Drop the extractive relationship you have to yourself and others.

Next cohort starts October 2024