A deeper you, leading.


I empower you to rewire your default strategies and unleash yourself. Are you ready?

You’re a leader.

Probably wildly intelligent, a superstar producer, or mad-scientist-level creative. Maybe all of the above.

You’re up to big things too. An exciting role, company or team.

And yet, you’re exhausted. Overwhelmed. Unfulfilled. You can feel it in your bones.

Somehow you know that this isn’t about your circumstances.

You can tell it’s about you.

There’s a way you see things. A way that helped you win before, but it’s breaking now. It’s costing you energy, time and joy.

The good news is, you can transform this. New ways of relating, new framing, new possibilities are there. But you’ve been hardwired to ignore them.

You’re ready to start looking.

H.A. — Managing Partner

“I connected the deeper aspects of who I am as a person with who I am as a professional. Now I bring a more wholistic vision to the constant complexity of my work.”

A.F. — Founder

“I have the ability to shape my situation. To acknowledge what feelings or external things I'm chasing, and to course-correct.”

Ready to make a shift?

Here’s what you can expect:

You’ll become deeply connected to who you are and what you stand for.

You’ll have a vision for yourself and be grounded in your values and purpose.

You’ll have an expanded capacity to be with discomfort, both in yourself and with others. So you’ll be more willing to take a stand, have challenging conversations or make difficult or unpopular decisions.

You’ll accept the greatest parts of yourself, and know how to break away from the well-worn default patterns that keep you small.

You’ll be able to regulate your nervous system on command, so that fear and stress can’t easily yank you back into your predictable default patterns.

You’ll lead yourself and others from a place of grounded, humane power. (As opposed to the authoritative overcompensation of carrots and sticks.)

You’ll be capable of unleashing the people around you by attuning to who they are, and you’ll know how to lead them back to themselves so they’re empowered to truly show up.

Ready to make a shift?

What we’ll build


Create Your Vision & Strategy

Set a powerful vision for what you want from your life, work and world, then create a strategy to make it happen


Tap Into Your Greatness

Connect with an empowering way of relating to your life and the circumstances in it

Bankrupt Old Strategies

Expose your patterns, limiting beliefs, assumptions and narratives that aren’t working for you


Take Action & Practice

Design practices and actions that move you toward your goal and sustain your empowerment mode


Ready to make a shift?